Utility Consulting Services
ESC's experience in the utility industry has allowed us to work closely with utility employees, utility customers, and trade allies. Since 1990, ESC has experience working with most of the major utility companies across the United States. This gives ESC the unique ability to approach a project from many different perspectives and provide multi-faceted solutions to client challenges.
Energy Management and Productivity Analysis
The Energy Audit Procedure is generally as follows:
- Preliminary interview with key customer personnel to identify projects and areas of customer interest.
- Walk through of the facility to look at equipment, processes and identify Energy Management and Process Optimization Opportunities.
- Post survey interview to discuss Energy Management Opportunities identified which will be evaluated in the report and report delivery issues.
For more information, email :prhoward@energyconsultant.org for a free brochure and/or a sample Energy Audit report.
Current/Past Clients:
Providing Energy/GHG consulting services for ICF customers. Providing consulting for Canada’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Save on Energy Retrofit program. Working with Industrial Customers to identify Energy/GHG retrofit projects.
Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. of Missouri
Energy Audit Program for Key Accounts and has performed energy audits at over 90+ Key-Account Customers in Missouri, Iowa, and Oklahoma since 1996. Customers have ranged from a wide variety of retail facilities, schools, Institutional and medium to large industrial facilities.
"Energy auditing services provided by Energy Services Consultants, Inc. has assisted several of the system's key accounts by providing a comprehensive analysis and a recommended cost savings strategy. Each audit has also served to competitively position the Cooperative and improve relationships with their commercial and industrial customers."
Mark Woodson CED,
Manager Economic Development, Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
TVA has selected ESC as an Energy Management Consultant for their Preferred Partners Network (PPN)
Access Energy Electric Cooperative, IA, Boone Electric Cooperative, MO, Laclede Electric Cooperative, MO, Central Rural Electric Cooperative, OK, and KAMO, OK.
Providing an Energy Audit Program for Key Accounts and performed energy audits at commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities across Missouri, Iowa and Oklahoma. C&I Audits are currently being used to identify incentives for the “Take Control and Save” Program
Enervision, Inc.
Performed an Energy Audit program for Electric Cooperatives in Georgia.
Southern Company Energy Solutions
Performed Energy Audit and Project Development Services for Commercial and Industrial Customers.
Middle Georgia Electric Cooperative and Tri-County Electric Cooperative
Performed Energy Audits for commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in middle Georgia.
Midland Power Cooperative, Iowa
Performed Energy Audits for commercial and industrial key account customers.
For more information call or email me at
(678) 641-1287